Miss Woodhouse's Musings

…about life, the universe, and everything. Don't panic!

Change Is In The Air

*peers around the blog*

*taps microphone*


Um, is this thing still on?

So, I know it’s been a while since you all have heard from me. A long while. A VERY LONG while.

In my last post, I talked a lot and vaguely about different paths and which one I should take. Basically, I had a decision to make in April: sign another year’s teaching contract and remain a Shift Supervisor at Starbucks, OR take a leap of faith, stop teaching for now, and pursue an Assistant Manager position with Starbucks. It was a really hard choice to make. I LOVE teaching, love my students, and love being in the academic world. Teaching is so much of my life and passion that the mere idea of just stepping away for a bit was devastating.

When all was said and done though, it became evident that teaching just wasn’t in the cards for next year. You guys have no idea the amount of pain and tears that happened during March and April. Once the decision was made it couldn’t be undone, so I threw myself into the last few months of my teaching career. Back in January the drama teacher had asked me to come alongside her class and help instruct on Shakespeare, since they were doing three parodies of his works. When those plays were finished, I was asked to stay on with drama and help out on the final production. It was a crazy, crazy time of dancing, fighting, and jumping off of cliffs (in a theatrical stage sense!), and I loved every moment of it.

You haven’t lived until you’ve watched a bunch of high school students try to talk over heavy rain on a tin roof.

With production finished, the next big hurdle in life was prepping for final projects and graduation. That took up just about every spare moment that wasn’t already consumed with Starbucks. Crayzhay.

The last day of classes was very sad. My students are awesome though, and they passed around this lovely little journal that anyone at the program could sign. I keep the little leather journal by my bed…such an encouragement! We also hung out in my classroom for most of the morning watching Jane Eyre and talking about Doctor Who. They are such good little Whovians!

It was hard going home that day, but I had a plan. I sat down at the computer, and applied for an Assistant Manager position in the next district over. An opening had come up the week before, and for the first time, it felt right. So, I applied. And interviewed two weeks later. And interviewed again two weeks after that. And three days later, my new District Manager called and offered me the position!!!

Can we all just stop and freak out about this for a moment????


Thank you, that feels much better.

On July 29th, I start my new position, at my new store, in a new district. It is all exciting, but all nerve-wracking as well. In addition, we also lost our Regional supervisor last month (and I am so sad about that, you all have no idea), so we have a new one taking over this week too! So much change, but I think that it is all for the better.

These past few weeks have felt very productive. I’ve finished a lot of personal development training, helped train our newest barista, and participated in a veritable bevy of coffee and tea tastings. Tea tastings…are a revelation. I cannot wait to see the effect that Teavana has on Starbucks!!! We need some more tea materials in the store, I’m just saying.

Open tea bags…Chai, Zen, and Calm.

So, what else is new? I think that is enough for now. The next 10 days will fly by, I’m sure, in a whirl of book clubs, nursery duty, phantom shifts, food service tests, normal shifts, and otherwise crazy schedules!!!! I am very excited to see where the next chapter of my life leads me.

Here goes everything!

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A Big Announcement

Soooo, I know I promised a Starbucks post soon to come. And trust me, it is still to come…but this is important. Big. Exciting (at least to me).

Here’s another random Starbucks picture to make up for the delay:

We good? Okay!

Here’s the story. A few weeks ago, I was having a random conversation with my SM and mentioned I was looking for something. Monday night, she called me saying her husband might have found it for me, did I want him to check it out? BOY DID I! But I tried not to get my hopes up.

Tuesday morning he went to look at it. They called me and said that everything looked good, so the ball was in my court. I took a drive out to see it, and unexpectedly fell in love. Tuesday night I ran it by my parents and we agreed to pursue obtaining this object.

Wednesday, Dad drove out to conduct his own investigation. All came back well. We put in a low bid…too low for the seller to be willing to accept. He told us that there was another buyer interested. I’ll be honest, I lost hope and pretty much gave up any thought of getting this item.

Thursday I went out to do a final inspection just on the off chance that the other potential buyer didn’t make a higher bid. Bad idea, because it only confirmed how much I wanted it. At prayer that night, I prayed the same thing that I had prayed Monday night: If I’m supposed to get this, please let it work out. If I’m not, then please make it fall through.

Today, Friday, we reached a happy money medium and tomorrow morning it’s going to be mine all mine!!!!!!! I’m very excited.


I gave three clues on Twitter tonight, each one giving a hint to a letter that spells out the object. Ready? Here they are:

1.  “I never saw a moor, I never saw the ***, But know I how the heather looks….”

2.  It’s a kind of frame house.

3.  “*** Town”


Can you guess?????

It’s a car!!!!! A cute little Honda Civic Coupe that handles just how I like it. Isn’t it pretty?




I need to spend some time with it to decide if it is a girl or a boy, and what I am going to name it. But with my busy schedule, the car and I will be spending a ton of quality time together. Like I said, I buy it officially tomorrow, then take it to my friend for him to do some minor repairs, and I should have my own wheels by next week!

Thanks for sharing in my good news with me!




I’ve graduated!!!!!!!!

I was so, so ready to graduate. I’m tired of the endless papers, of trying to cram interesting readings into a ridiculously short amount of time, of reading badly spelt post after poorly structured post, of listening to students whine and professors drone. I love to learn, but college will suck the life and joy out of discovery.

The more I talk with other graduates, the more I realise how lucky I am. I have a teaching job, a steady income job, music students, and plenty of other things to keep me busy while building my resume. At the same time, I’m already looking at Master’s programs. While that sounds like I’m all on top of things, really I’m very far behind. But here’s the deal: I’m tired. Stressed out. I’m carrying anywhere from 30-40 hours of work on top of a full load of credits, and have done so for some time. I rarely sleep. I forget to eat until nearly midnight. Why should I kill myself with more school when I’m plenty young yet and have teaching jobs already? I’ll take my B.A. and be happy with it for a year or two.

Still, there’s an element of urgency in my search for a Masters/Doctorate program. There are so many out there: do I go with a dual Masters/Doctorate, should I do them separately, should I stay in the US or go abroad, do I complete my advanced degrees in general areas, or should I specify my degree down to one area of expertise? Oh, and don’t forget about the battery of tests I need to take in order to apply to programs, the grammar review I’ll need because I am the WORST grammartician out there (see, I even make up silly words), plus becoming proficient in TWO foreign languages. Yes, I said TWO. (Because speaking English properly isn’t hardcore enough, I guess.)

It’s all very overwhelming to think about.

Then, the other night, I heard this song. I’ve heard the song before, but never really listened to the lyrics much. (WHAT? I have other things to think about, silly people!) However, this one line of a song really jumped out and slapped me across the face:


You see, I think this is what a lot of us graduates do when we get ready to enter the “real world,” we get scared, freak out, and do ourselves a disservice by acting out of that fear. So here’s my challenge: let’s not act out of fear. It doesn’t matter if you graduated today or 20 years ago, don’t let your fears decide what kind of life you’ll lead. It’s never too late to change your fate, so let’s do it!!! All together now….


That's me!


Mum’s Birthday Blog


2:20 – Just chased Mum down the hall, laughing, with a pot of foundation. Perhaps that’s enough said?

3:01 – At Red Lobster so Mum can have her favourite Parrot Isle Jumbo Coconut Shrimp!




3:54 – Stuffed! Wonder what’s next?

7:10 – Game time! Let the sacrilege begin….


7:44 – Singing along to the Andrew Lloyd Webber classic, Starlight Express.

8:14 – Mum: Em, you want to make the dip?
Me: I haven’t been doing well with that lately.
Brother: Well, we have graham crackers…
…and frosting.

8:48 – Playing Bananagrams! image

10:00 – Watching the film adaptation of Dead Man’s Folly. Always a Folliet at Nasse…House….

11:22 – Birthday cake! Pie! Ice cream…something!!!!


Three Years and Counting

Today is my three year anniversary of working for Starbucks.

It’s hard to believe that three years ago I was sitting in our cafe, filling out tons of paperwork, memorising new policies, and learning how to tidy the condiment bar and the layout of the back room. It was an overwhelming day, but a good day nonetheless.

The last few years certainly were a journey! I’ve had three and a half managers, some good, some bad, and some to be determined; multiple partners floated in and out of our little cafe; customers came and went; babies were born and other dear ones died. I’ve discovered awesome coffees and met great teas.

I’m not saying that things have always been, or will continue to be easy or pleasant. But I do love my job. I love the connecting with the customers, the rhythm and process of making drinks, the rush of creating a drink that makes a customer happy. It’s been a great three years, and I’m hoping to have many more before life sweeps me away from the little green siren.

“To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time.”



Pomp and…Whatever.

Happy Graduation Weekend!

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WordPress Reviews My Blog Health!

The stats helper monkeys at WordPress.com mulled over how this blog did in 2010, and here’s a high level summary of its overall blog health:

Healthy blog!

The Blog-Health-o-Meter™ reads Wow.

Crunchy numbers

Featured image

A Boeing 747-400 passenger jet can hold 416 passengers. This blog was viewed about 4,600 times in 2010. That’s about 11 full 747s.


In 2010, there were 128 new posts, growing the total archive of this blog to 169 posts. There were 178 pictures uploaded, taking up a total of 159mb. That’s about 3 pictures per week.

The busiest day of the year was June 20th with 108 views. The most popular post that day was Sunday At Starbucks.

Where did they come from?

The top referring sites in 2010 were twitter.com, Google Reader, mail.live.com, en.wordpress.com, and wordnerdmusings.blogspot.com.

Some visitors came searching, mostly for jesus cross, starbucks gift card geese, it isn’t any trouble just to smile, it isnt any trouble just to smile, and misswoodhousemusings.

Attractions in 2010

These are the posts and pages that got the most views in 2010.


Sunday At Starbucks June 2010


The Smell of Starbucks In the Fall September 2010


About Me… October 2009


Little Changes October 2010
9 comments and 1 Like on WordPress.com,


It Isn’t Any Trouble Just To S-M-I-L-E January 2010




Thanks for all the hard work you do, WordPress! You are my favourite blogging platform. <3

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The year is 1972.

The month is December.

The day is the 17th.

The place is a small chapel in a small town.

He was an Air Force fighter pilot recently returned from Vietnam.

She was freshly graduated from college with a degree in teaching high school English.

They were getting married.

They would spend the next 20 years living in countless states and three countries with the military.

They would spend the 18 years after that building up a life in an unexpected part of the country after retirement.

They would survive external challenges that would destroy weaker marriages. They would mentor people. They would become involved in dozens of churches. They would positively affect countless lives.

They would become my parents.

I, for one, count myself unbelievably blessed to have them for my parents, friends, role models, and confidants.

Happy 38th Anniversary, Mum and Dad…and many more to come. Love you guys!

Happy 38th Anniversary

An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow.  ~Author Unknown


Happy Birthday, Blog!

Hard to believe, but my little blog has now been around for a year. In some ways I feel like I’ve been blogging *forever*, and in other ways it really seems like just last week that I stayed up until 5 am creating the blog. (Yes, I started creating my blog at 5 am. This explains the mixing of references from Jane Austen and Douglas Adams. For those of you who laid awake at night wondering, now you know.)

Some of you have been with me from the beginning- you know who you are and I love you all dearly! Some of you are newer to the blog, and I’m so excited to have you here! I hope that you all enjoy the randomness here.

The best way I can think to mark the occasion is to provide you with links to posts from the last year that I am particularly happy with the way they turned out. If you’d like, enjoy this little blast from the past!

General Posts:


You Can’t Go Home Again

It’s the End of the World As We Know It…and I’m Not Feeling So Fine

Investing in the Generations


Off the Grid

Rolling Down the Beach With A Guide To the Galaxy

Nothing That Is Not There

Droid Wars



Starbucks Posts:

“Tis the Season To Be…Hmmmmm???

Working 9 To 9

It’s So Hard To Say Goodbye

Twelve Hours and Counting

The Craziness At the Bottom of the Coffee Cup

Starbucks Drama


Birthday Live Blogging!

Today is Mum’s birthday, so a little live Blogging is in order!  :D

2:39– lunch at Abuelo’s for guacamole and sopapillas.

2:46– Lunch is here!!!

3:03– waiting for dessert….

3:06– erm, quetzecoatl???? Eh?

3:08– Sopapillas!!!!

3:34– We are having a discussion about golf course names. I’m not quite sure why….

3:50– Collapsed on the sofa. Partying is hard work!

We are now discussing the pros and cons of opening a restaurant. Would you all come if we opened one?

3:53– Mum is now singing the chorus to “Good Morning Starshine.” Look it up…it’s great stuff!  :D

Okay, okay, I’ll look it up for you! Sheesh. You all DO realise that I’m doing this from my little bitty phone, right? Okay then; just so you appreciate the effort….

5:11– Cake is baking, and we are getting ready to play Name Chase!

6:00– Mum and I killed in Name Chase. Now we are going for domination in TriBond!!! Of course, we have a little family drama going on. For instance:

Little brother: “Emma, get off your phone and be with the family.”

Me: “Don’t make me hurt you.”

In my defence, (lest you all think that I am a horrible, insensitive sister) he had just spent an hour upstairs alone, practising his putting. I, however, Am Blogging. Therefore, I Am Justified- note the emphatic use of capital letters!

8:10– We are now eating dinner; homemade eggrolls, rice, and steamed broccoli. Mum also chose to watch To Catch A Thief. First person to tell me where Hitchcock’s cameo is in the movie wins!

10:10– Cake and ice cream! Next movie up: Pillow Talk. No Hitchcock involved here.