Miss Woodhouse's Musings

…about life, the universe, and everything. Don't panic!


on 17 December 2010

The year is 1972.

The month is December.

The day is the 17th.

The place is a small chapel in a small town.

He was an Air Force fighter pilot recently returned from Vietnam.

She was freshly graduated from college with a degree in teaching high school English.

They were getting married.

They would spend the next 20 years living in countless states and three countries with the military.

They would spend the 18 years after that building up a life in an unexpected part of the country after retirement.

They would survive external challenges that would destroy weaker marriages. They would mentor people. They would become involved in dozens of churches. They would positively affect countless lives.

They would become my parents.

I, for one, count myself unbelievably blessed to have them for my parents, friends, role models, and confidants.

Happy 38th Anniversary, Mum and Dad…and many more to come. Love you guys!

Happy 38th Anniversary

An anniversary is a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow.  ~Author Unknown

4 responses to “x38

    • Not quite sure how to take that…should I be offended? ;)

      I will say, one of the things that made me smile this week was the number of people who told me they didn’t think my parents were old enough to have been married for so long. :)

      Oh, and welcome to the blog!

  1. mum says:

    Oh my! This is the best present ever! I feel like Julie Andrews (would that I could sing like her!) singing “somewhere in my youth and miserable past, I must have done something good,” to have a daughter with a heart like yours.

    Love you tooooo much,

    Thanks for the tempura and sushi dinner (never thought you’d hear me say that, did you?!).

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