Miss Woodhouse's Musings

…about life, the universe, and everything. Don't panic!

A Thanksgiving Memory

Challenge: In class, we had to write a Thanksgiving memory in 2 minutes, highlighting the use of one sense.

It is not the bright sun that wakes me up early in the morning on Thanksgiving – no, it is the seductive scent of freshly roasting turkey which drifts up the stairs and gets me stirring. In the kitchen, I can hear my father at work, puttering around, opening the oven to baste the bird and letting loose more aromatics. Going into the kitchen, the smell of turkey mixes with the lemon scent of the sink, all freshly scrubbed and waiting for the onslaught of cooking. The stovetop pan bubbles with a combination of cinnamon, cloves, and apple juice, making a welcoming cider for the impending guests.

Your turn! In the comments, why don’t you share a quick Thanksgiving memory with us? I’d love to read it!


For The Birds

It has been a long few weeks, and next week is going to be long as well. Really, I should be working on a paper right now, writing some documents, memorising Hebrew vocabulary.

Instead, I’m on my Nook, listening to an Inspector Morse, blogging, and playing Angry Birds. And really, that’s okay. Sometimes you just need to launch birds into pigs and try to win 3 gold stars on every level.

If you haven’t yet joined the Angry Birds movement, you should check it out. They are on the iTunes app store, Android Market, and as an add-on to your Google Chrome browser. It’s addictive…but oh-so-fun.

Have fun!

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50000 in 30 (Or How To Be Insane)

Well, it’s November 1st! Do you know what that means? No, I’m not referring to having a sugar hangover from last night. I’m talking about NaNoWriMo!!!! National Novel Writing Month, where all over the world crazy wanna-be writers like me try to discipline themselves to get 50,000 words on paper before the month runs out. Add in the Thanksgiving holiday, and you’ve got a recipe for insanity…I mean fun.

So, I’m giving this a try again. Last year I fell far short of the 50,000 word mark, so my goal is to surpass last year at the least. Stay tuned for progress reports, or feel free to jump on in! It’s never too late.