Miss Woodhouse's Musings

…about life, the universe, and everything. Don't panic!

Superbrawl Sunday

Gentle Readers,

The thought crossed my mind tonight that we, as a people in general, are very myoptic. Take today, for example: Superbowl Sunday. The day that brings strangers together, divides families into factions, causes pastors to cut short their sermons, and makes watching commercials worthwhile. Bottle-making companies raise a glass. Buffalos hide their wings. Chips prepare to be dipped.

It all sounds like fun.

But there’s another side to all of this. When the beer has all been consumed, people then get behind the wheel. Chicken bones lodge in throats. Dips sit out too long and breed bacteria. (Sounds lovely, I know. Hang in there, I do have a point.) Feuds surface. Fights break out.

People get hurt.

For police, fire, EMS, and hospitals, days like today aren’t fun and games. They are busy nights, crazy nights, nights where people do stupid things and they have to fix it. They deserve a round of applause and thanks for giving up their fun times to be ready and alert to fix whatever aftermath might occur from everyone else’s fun times.

So, next Superbowl/4th of July/Halloween/random holiday, think before you act. Remember that your actions have consequences, and your consequences could affect other people around you.

In simplest terms: don’t be stupid. I’m sure your local ER will thank you!

Until tomorrow,

Miss W



Gentle Readers,

My goal for this month is to try and blog something every day. We will see how this goes!

January was a fairly uneventful month, a welcome relief after the craziness of the holidays. This is the first year our family did not go to The Land Of No Internet, so the first year that I worked all through the holiday season.

Oh. Em. Gee. In case you didn’t know, people are craaaazaaay around the holidays. They are so stressed out that they don’t know up from down, right from left, in from out…and since I work in customer service it is all my fault. Thankfully our awesome regulars made the crazies seem less daunting, and we all survived.

My Brit Lit class just ended their Pepys diary assignments, which is what gave me the inspiration to start blogging again. Even with all the social media around…Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, oh my…they still struggled to write down a daily recap of their day. Samuel Pepys is famous for his diary, for his general, informal, everyday observations on life. From the coronation of a king, to the great fire of London, to a day spent with friends, Pepys recorded it all. He didn’t know how important his writings would be to world, but we are grateful for them to this day. So, who knows? Maybe one of my students will end up being the Pepys of this generation…or maybe not. Either way, recording life is rarely a waste.

Until tomorrow,

Miss W